Noor Tabassum

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Lekhny post -09-Dec-2021

                             IMPACT OF THE YEAR 2020 ON ME.


Here ends another year. It was the most dramatic year of my lifetime. I had never encountered a year filled with pain, isolation, anxiety, uncertainty, and sorrow. Though this year started with many expectations, one could never comprehend how it would turn out. This year promised many job opportunities and business growth, but all was in vain. The unexpected coronavirus ruled the entire year, causing deaths, shattering hopes, increasing unemployment and poverty. This year has dramatically impacted every human being. I was not left behind. Though it started with many new resolutions, it shattered my happiness at the beginning itself. I lost my mom, my heartbeat, ruining all my dreams at the beginning of the year. It felt like I was living without my heart. I lost the purpose of life. After another three months, I lost my uncle to COVID-19. Pain is a tiny word to explain what I went through. It is a situation that cannot be described in terms. Life started haunting me. Financially also, we faced a lot of problems. It was like we were in a whirlpool. I did not know how to come out of it. I did not cry because the tears had dried up. More than water, it was emotions that flowed from my eyes.


I wanted to come out of it. Loneliness and depression had surrounded me from all sides. One day when I sat thinking about what to do to get solace, I remembered my mom’s words. She always wanted me to concentrate on my writing. I was so indulged in life that I kept on ignoring her. Now when I was alone and had nothing to do, I started working on my writing skills. My first poem was addressed to mom and was appreciated. My articles and stories were published in papers, which increased my interest. No indulgence can ever reduce the pain, but still, when my mind was distracted from thinking only one thing, it reduced my pain. I poured my heart out on paper and felt a bit relieved. I had something to do. I got so involved in my writing that I authored a book called “SENSIBLES” dedicated to my parents. I felt immense pleasure expressing my emotions in the book.


Today when I sit again to take a resolution for the next year, I think, what shall I make? We propose, and God disposes. So, my resolution for all the years ahead will be to remain happy because that is the ultimate goal in our lives. Our objective in life should be to be happy and spread happiness in this world. Life is filled with surprises, and we need to face them with courage and tolerance.


                         ………………………NOOR TABASSUM…………………….


Raghuveer Sharma

09-Dec-2021 12:23 AM

